Pet Spay & Neuter in Mountlake Terrace, WA
If you are ready to have your pet spayed or neutered in Mountlake Terrace, we can help! Contact our friendly team today to set up your pet’s appointment, or let us answer any of your questions.
The Benefits of Spaying and Neutering
Our commitment to the well-being of your furry companions goes beyond routine check-ups; it extends to responsible pet ownership. One of the most essential services we offer is spay and neuter surgery.
At Brier Veterinary Hospital, our spay and neuter surgeries contribute to controlling the pet population and offer numerous health benefits for your beloved pet. By choosing our services, you’re not only preventing unwanted litters but also reducing the risk of certain medical conditions and behavioral issues.
Pets who have been spayed or neutered are unable to produce litters. This cuts down on the homeless pet population and can lower euthanasia rates. Eliminating the possibility of reproducing isn’t the only benefit of these procedures, though.
Having your female dog or cat spayed significantly lowers her risk of certain types of cancer. It eliminates the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer as well as a painful and life-threatening condition known as Pyometra. In males, neutering diminishes the risk of prostate problems and eliminates the risk of testicular cancer.
Spaying and neutering also lower the risk of diabetes as well as hormone-related health problems. These procedures can also reduce or eliminate behaviors like aggression, yowling, howling, marking, and roaming.
Spaying and Neutering Provide Various Benefits for Pets, Their Owners, and the Community
At Brier Veterinary Hospital, we cannot stress the importance of spaying and neutering your pet enough. We are proud to offer spaying and neutering in Mountlake Terrace, WA, and are available to perform these life-improving operations on pets.